Monday, September 29, 2014

Gmail Shortcuts

Here are to some time saving shortcuts you can use in Gmail:

Firstly, to turn keyboard shortcuts on, go to Mail Settings by clicking on the Gear and choosing Settings, then in the General tab find Keyboard Shortcuts and select Keyboard shortcuts on. 

cCompose new message
/Start a new search (cursor jumps to search box)
With an email selected (by tick box) or open:
lOpen Label menu
vOpen Move To menu
!Report as Spam
#Move to Bin
+ or -Mark as important / not important
Shift-rMark as read
Shift-uMark as unread
From an open email:
zUndo last action
Shortcuts for the new Gmail compose (automatically enabled)
Shift + EscapeFocus main window
Escape;Focus latest chat or compose window
Ctrl + .Go to next chat or compose window
Ctrl + ,Go to previous chat or compose window
Ctrl + EnterSend your message
Ctrl + Shift + cAdd cc recipient
Ctrl + Shift + bAdd bcc recipient
Ctrl + Shift + fAccess custom from
Ctrl + kInsert link
down arrowMove down to previous message
up arrowMove up to next message
nIn a conversation, move down to the next message
pIn a conversation, move up to the previous message
EnterOpen currently focused message
Ctrl + bBold
Ctrl + iItalics
Ctrl + uUnderline
Ctrl + Shift + 7Bulleted list
Ctrl + Shift + 8Numbered list
Ctrl + Shift + 9Quoted text
Ctrl + Shift + lAlign left
Ctrl + Shift + eAlign center
Ctrl + Shift + rAlign right
Ctrl + [Indent less
Ctrl + ]Indent more

Here is the original link

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