Wednesday, October 27, 2021

New Google Docs feature - Page Break before Paragraph

Google has added the Page Break before Paragraph feature to Google Docs.  

This feature means that you can better format your paragraphs to start new pages and is especially helpful for titles, subtitles, and headings.

Click on 

Format -> Line and Paragraph Spacing -> Add page break before paragraph

More information can be found at:

Thursday, October 14, 2021

How-to use Google Chrome Extensions


What are Chrome Extensions?

Chrome extensions are small programs that you add to your chrome browser which allow you to extend the capability of your browser and customize your browsing experience.

Where do I get Chrome Extensions?

Chrome extensions are available in the Chrome web store

Chrome Web Store - Extensions - Google Chrome

To add an extension, click on the Add To Chrome button 

Extensions Area - Search bar

When extensions are added, they will appear on the right side of the Search Bar.

How do I manage extensions in chrome?

Manage an Individual extension

Right click on an extension in the search bar

Manage all extensions

The puzzle piece icon - shown on right.
Clicking on the puzzle piece
causes the Manage extensions drop down menu to display a list of all extensions that have been enabled and installed in Chrome.

The push pin indicates if the extension is visible on your extension bar.  The pin is blue when visible and gray when not visible.

There are three categories of extensions, 
  1. Full access 
    These extensions can see and change information on the site you are viewing
  2. Access requested
    Click on the extension to give the extension access to the site.
  3. No access needed
    These extensions do not need to see and change the site.
To see even more about the extensions, click on the Manage extensions at the bottom of the window.

More information can be found at the website:

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