Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Vector Solutions: Viewing Summer PD Workshops

 As I am sure you are aware, Summer Professional Development Workshops are available in Vector Solutions (Teachpoint).  However, were you aware that your settings in Vector Solution may be causing these workshops to not show up on your viewable list?

When looking at the Available Events in the PD section of Vector Solutions, you have the option of choosing what events you will see.  The default is for the Current Year.  As you can see in the list below, there are options for PD that fall in the current school year.  Anything after July 1st would be considered the next school year.

By changing the dropdown from Current Year to Upcoming, I will see all events that are happening in the future.

Another option is to change the dropdown from Current Year to Next Year, and as you will see those options are slightly different, too.

Though changing the dates visible works throughout the year, it is important to use this setting as we close in on the end of the year so that you will see all options that are available.